Insurance Fundamentals
- Risk - A tutorial about risk and insurance.
- Risks, Perils, Hazards
- Handling Risk
- Risk Management
- Risk Management Techniques
- Insurance; Insurable Risks; Underwriting and Adverse Selection - A tutorial about the basics of insurance companies, underwriting and adverse selection, and what constitutes an insurable risk.
- Insurance Underwriting
- Credit-Based Insurance Scores - How and why personal credit scores affect insurance rates.
- Legal Liability and Negligence
- Law of Large Numbers - Using the Law of Large Numbers to determine underwriting risk and insurance premiums.
- Indemnity - How property insurance pays for losses.
- Insurable Interest - What constitutes an insurable interest, and when must it exist?
- Subrogation
- Utmost Good Faith — Representations, Concealments, and Warranties - Why honesty is the best policy in insurance.
- Insurance Contracts
- Standard Insurance Policies
- Insurance Deductibles - The types of deductibles and how they reduce insurance premiums.
- Coinsurance - How coinsurance reduces health insurance premiums, and equalizes rates for property insurance.
- Multiple Insurance Coverage: Pro Rata Liability, Contribution of Equal Shares, and Primary and Excess Insurance - What determines how much each insurance policy pays when multiple policies cover the same loss.
- Group Insurance
- Government Insurance
- Social Security
- History of Insurance
Insurance Companies
- The Legal Organization and Ownership of Insurance Companies
- Insurance Markets
- Insurance Company Credit Ratings
- Insurance Agents and Brokers
- Insurance Marketing Systems
- Rate Making: How Insurance Premiums Are Set
- Loss or Claim Adjustment
- Reinsurance
- Captive Insurance Companies
- Risk Retention Groups and Purchasing Groups
- Insurance Regulation
- Sources of Insurance Regulation
- Statutory Accounting Principles
- Taxation of Insurance Companies
Types of Insurance
Auto Insurance
- Automobile Insurance — The Personal Auto Policy (PAP)
- Auto Accident Victim Compensation
- No-Fault Auto Insurance
- The Determinants of Auto Insurance Costs
- Auto Insurance for High-Risk Drivers
Homeowners Insurance
- Homeowners Insurance - An overview of the typical homeowners insurance policy, listing the major coverages and exclusions.
- Types of Homeowners' Insurance Policies - Summarizes the basic coverage of several types of homeowner's insurance policies — including insurance for renters and owners of condominiums and cooperatives — and how they differ.
- Homeowner's Insurance (HO-3 Policy)
- Common Homeowners Insurance Policy Endorsements
- The Cost of Homeowners Insurance and How To Lower It - What factors influence the cost of homeowners insurance and how can you reduce premiums?
- Real Estate Title Insurance - An introduction to real estate title insurance and other alternatives, including tips on how to save money when buying title insurance.
Life Insurance
- Life Insurance Fundamentals
- Determining Life Insurance Premiums for Term and Level-Premium Policies
- Term Life Insurance
- Whole Life Insurance
- Variable Life Insurance, Universal Life Insurance, and Variable-Universal Life Insurance
- How to Buy Life Insurance
- Fixed and Variable Annuities
Life Insurance Contracts
- Life Insurance Contracts: Owner, Insured, and Beneficiary
- Common Life Insurance Provisions
- Life Insurance Dividends and Nonforfeiture Options
- Life Insurance Policy Loans and Settlement Options
- Other Life Insurance Options and Riders: Waiver-of-Premium, Guaranteed Insurability, Cost of Living Rider, Accelerated Death Benefits Rider, and the Double Indemnity Option
Health Insurance
- Major Medical Insurance; Hospital-Surgical Insurance Plans; Medicare Supplement Insurance (aka Medigap Insurance)
- Disability-Income Insurance
- Long-Term Care Insurance